Intellectual Property

robust Transfer- Learning BO

robust-TLBO (rTLBO)

Our patented flagship IP for robust learning from historical experimental data

Use Cases

Reactor Transfer

Transferring optimal parameters from a smaller reactor to a bigger reactor. Differenct reactor sizes consitute different optimisation problems:


How can we warm-start scale-up reactor optimisation?

Similar Biology

Cell biology approximately behaves similar across similar cell lines:


How can we maximise our cheap animal cell data for expensive human cell experiments?

Site Transfer

Transfering the reactor location from the UK to Japan. The environment will change:


How can we reliably re-use the UK data in our Japan plant?

Input Materials Change

Using historical data from experiments using vendor additives that have been replaced with a new vendor:


How can we robustly adjust for new raw input materials?


What is TLBO (Transfering Learning Bayesian Optimisation)?


However, as great as the benefits of TLBO are, realistically, many factors impact the effectiveness of TLBO, such as the quality and reliability of the historical data. 

How can you protect your experiments from unreliable historical data?

Common sources of unreliable data

Sensor Degredation

Input and output measurements are exposed to drift, calibration failures and misaligned standards. Often, these can stay unnoticed for a long time.

Human Failure

Humans are imperfect and mistakes are a daily occurrence. Manual data entry or instrument use regularly lead to faulty data, undetected for months or years.


robust TLBO

An insurance to protect your experiments from unreliable data

What is rTLBO?

Data quality reliability is a challenge for all experimentation-based organisations. In reality, many factors that affect data reliability such as human or technical failure can go undetected for months or years. 

rTLBO allows users to leverage the power of historical data while being protected and insured against the harm of unreliable data.

Where can I use rTLBO?

robust TLBO IP

UNLOCKS the power of historical data

PROTECTS against the harms of faulty data

ACCELERATES process optimisation

"[Transfer Learning] is definitely something industrial players across the globe will find very useful."

- Data Science Lead at Top 10 Pharma Company

Get in touch

Interested in rTLBO IP? 

Business Impact


Pharma companies have built Bayesian Optimisation teams since 2022


Estimated average annual savings from Bayesian Optimisation


Average BO performance improvement with our rTLBO technology

1 day

Time to implement rTLBO in established BO teams in pharma

Website rTLBO Business Impact Simulator (BASE TEMPLATE)

rTLBO Example Use-case Scenario

Problem: A team at a pharma company wants to maximise cell yield at a new site using a known reactor set-up. They have historical reactor data from a similar experiment in 2022. Using TLBO, they can leverage that data to help find a new optimum. Unfortunately, they have reasons to believe that the experimental setup from 2022 is faulty, due to human error and technical failure. With the current implementation of TLBO, there is no insurance against this unreliable and misleading data. In Figure 1 (b), we see the impact of unreliable data on TLBO performance (orange).

Solution: Using robust-TLBO (blue), shown in Figure 1(b), the team can recover the full performance by automatically identifying and only learning from reliable historical data from the mixed pool.

Figure 1: Robust TLBO as an insurance against unreliable data, significantly mitigating losses due to past and future faulty experiments.

(a) shows the ideal but unrealistic scenario: an optimisation process with reliable data. In this instance, both TLBO (orange) and robust-TLBO (blue) eventually converge to the true optimum (green)

(b) shows the non-ideal but likely scenario: an optimisation process with unreliable data. In this instance, the performance of  robust-TLBO is almost 100% better than that of TLBO, as it automatically learns to only learn from reliable data.